Happy December Everyone!
It's officially Christmas time. This is just a little post to share my Christmas cheer with you guys. I'm feeling so so so Christmassy with all the lights, foods and decorations everywhere. Christmas time is one my favourite time of the year. I really enjoy the time with my family and my friends. Making Christmas cookies and watching Christmas movies are just my favourite thing to do, it makes me so happy and I can all forget about the freezing weather outside.
I already started decorating my room and of course the Christmas tree. I love snuggling in my pyjama with a cozy socks on or in my onesie. Christmas couldn't be perfect without Christmas songs. What is your favourite Christmas song? During the holiday season, the people are happier I guess, which mean you spread more positivity. Everyone is doing Christmas shopping and waiting till the first snow falling down.
I decided to do the "Christmas Tag" to let you know more, what I love about Christmas.
1. What is your favourite Christimas movie?
Love Actually & Kevin Home Alone
2. Have you ever had a white Christmas?
Yes, actually I had a white Christmas, but long ago. Cause I live in Switzerland, the weather is freezing during the winter time and sometimes there's a lot of snow.
3. Where do you usually spend your holiday.
At home with my family. We usually don't travel, but love when family and friends comes up to see us!
4. What is your favourite Christmas song?
"All I want for Christmas is you" by Mariah Carey & "Last Christmas" by Wham.
5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Yes. Since I was a girl little, we opened all the presents on Christmas Eve.
6. What holiday traditions are you looking to most this year?
I'm excited baking cookies with my mom and doing Christmas shopping. I would love to wake up in the morning and everything is white outside.
7. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
We have a real Christmas tree.
8. What is your all-time favourite holiday food/sweet treat?
Christmas cookies with hot chocolate, fruits covered with chocolate (anything with chocolate actually, haha!) and of course Panettone (as you might know, half of my family are Italians.
9. Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?
I love seeing everyone's faces, if they open the presents but I love the feeling to get a present as well.
10. Do you still have advent calendars?
Yes I do. We are never too old for an advent calendar, right?
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